Project Spotlight: Mentric EMDR Light Bar

At Fiddlie, we thrive on challenges that push the boundaries of design and engineering. Our recent collaboration with Mentric on their innovative EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) light bar exemplifies our ability to deliver high-quality, functional prototypes under tight deadlines.

The Challenge

Mentric approached us with an ambitious vision: to create a modern, premium-quality light bar for EMDR therapy, suitable for both home users and clinical settings. The brief called for a sleek 50cm prototype featuring full RGBW lights with diffusion, various light patterns, and intuitive controls. The device needed to be portable, rechargeable, and future-proofed with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) control capabilities.

Our task was to bring this vision to life - from concept to functional prototype - in just a few short weeks.

Our Approach

  1. Rapid Design Phase: We kicked off the project with an intensive CAD design phase, focusing on both the enclosure and the custom PCB (Printed Circuit Board). Our team worked diligently to create designs that not only met the functional requirements but also aligned with Mentric's vision for a premium, aesthetically pleasing product.

  2. Material Selection: The brief specified a wooden exterior, which presented an interesting challenge in balancing natural aesthetics with the high-tech internals. We carefully selected materials that would provide the desired look and feel while ensuring durability and functionality.

  3. Custom Electronics: The heart of the EMDR light bar required custom electronics to control the RGBW lights, manage various patterns, and integrate BLE capabilities. Our team designed a bespoke PCB to house all the necessary components while keeping the overall design compact and efficient.

  4. User Interface Design: We focused on creating an intuitive user interface with responsive buttons on the top of the device, allowing users to easily switch between patterns and adjust settings such as speed, range, and brightness.

  5. Prototyping and Assembly: Once the designs were finalized, we moved quickly into the prototyping phase. Using the final materials specified for production, we assembled a product-finish prototype that looked and functioned like the envisioned end product.

The Outcome

The Outcome: In just a matter of weeks, we successfully delivered a fully functional, high-quality prototype of the Mentric EMDR light bar. The final product featured:

  • A sleek 50cm wooden enclosure with a premium feel

  • Full RGBW lights with seamless diffusion for a soft, even glow

  • Intuitive button controls for easy operation

  • Various light patterns with adjustable speed, range, and brightness

  • Integrated BLE support for future app control

  • Rechargeable high-capacity Li-ion battery with USB-C charging

  • Portable and clinic-ready design

Our rapid turnaround and attention to detail allowed Mentric to move forward confidently with their product development, armed with a tangible, working prototype that embodied their vision.

At Fiddlie, we're proud to contribute to projects that have the potential to make a real difference in people's lives. The Mentric EMDR light bar is poised to provide valuable support for individuals undergoing EMDR therapy, both at home and in clinical settings.

This project exemplifies our commitment to innovation, quality, and rapid prototyping. We look forward to taking on more challenges that push the boundaries of design and engineering, always with an eye toward creating products that enhance lives and drive progress.

Want us to build your idea?

Do you have an idea for a device or experience that you want to create? Whether you have an idea and need a functional prototype, or need to bring existing designs to market, we can help.

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