Training & Professional Development Policy.

Policy Statement

Fiddlie is committed to providing comprehensive training and development opportunities to all employees, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their current roles and prepare for future career advancements. We believe that investing in our employees' growth not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to the overall success and competitiveness of our organisation in the rapidly evolving tech industry.


This policy applies to all full-time and part-time employees of Fiddlie, regardless of their position or tenure. While the specific training and development needs may vary based on individual roles and career aspirations, the principles and opportunities outlined in this policy are available to all staff members.


  • Training: Organised activities aimed at imparting information and/or instructions to improve the recipient's performance or to help them attain a required level of knowledge or skill.

  • Development: The process of growing or causing something to grow or become larger or more advanced.

  • Career Progression: The process by which an individual advances through a series of stages in their professional life, each with its own set of challenges, responsibilities, and rewards.

  • Competency: A set of defined behaviours that provide a structured guide enabling the identification, evaluation, and development of the behaviours in individual employees.

  • Continuous Professional Development (CPD): The ongoing process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge, and experience that you gain both formally and informally as you work, beyond any initial training.

Roles and Responsibilities

Human Resources Department

  • Develop, implement, and oversee the training and development policy.

  • Conduct regular training needs assessments across the organisation.

  • Design and coordinate training programs aligned with organisational goals.

  • Manage the training budget and resources.

  • Maintain records of employee training and development activities.

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of training programs and suggest improvements.

Managers and Team Leaders

  • Identify training and development needs within their teams.

  • Provide ongoing feedback and support to team members.

  • Encourage and facilitate employee participation in training activities.

  • Assist in the creation of Individual Development Plans (IDPs) for team members.

  • Ensure that learned skills are applied in the workplace.


  • Take an active role in their own professional development.

  • Participate in training needs assessments and provide honest feedback.

  • Attend and fully engage in assigned training programs.

  • Apply newly acquired skills and knowledge in their daily work.

  • Seek out additional learning opportunities and share knowledge with colleagues.

Senior Management

  • Champion the importance of training and development within the organisation.

  • Ensure alignment between training initiatives and business objectives.

  • Approve training budgets and resource allocation.

  • Participate in mentoring programs and knowledge-sharing initiatives.

Training Needs Assessment

Fiddlie will conduct regular training needs assessments to identify skills gaps and areas for improvement across the organisation. This process will involve:

  • Annual performance reviews and goal-setting sessions.

  • Skills audits and competency mapping.

  • Employee surveys and feedback sessions.

  • Analysis of industry trends and emerging technologies.

  • Review of client feedback and project outcomes.

Based on these assessments, Individual Development Plans (IDPs) will be created for each employee, outlining specific training and development goals for the coming year.

Types of Training and Development Programs

Fiddlie will offer a diverse range of training and development programs to cater to the varied needs of our employees and the demands of our industry. These may include:

Technical Skills Training

  • Advanced electronics prototyping techniques

  • PCB design and assembly

  • 3D printing and additive manufacturing

  • CNC machining and programming

  • Laser cutting and engraving

  • Software development (various languages and frameworks)

  • Machine learning and AI development

  • Data analysis and visualisation

Business and Soft Skills Training

  • Project management

  • Client communication and relationship management

  • Presentation and pitching skills

  • Time management and productivity

  • Team leadership and management

  • Negotiation skills

  • Financial literacy for non-finance professionals

  • Intellectual property basics

Innovation and Creativity

  • Design thinking workshops

  • Brainstorming and ideation techniques

  • Rapid prototyping methodologies

  • Trend forecasting and market analysis

  • Disruptive technology exploration

Health and Safety

  • Workshop safety procedures

  • First aid and emergency response

  • Ergonomics and workplace health

  • Mental health awareness and support

Compliance and Ethics

  • Data protection and privacy regulations

  • Ethical considerations in technology development

  • Anti-bribery and corruption

  • Diversity and inclusion in the workplace

Leadership Development

  • Strategic thinking and decision making

  • Change management

  • Emotional intelligence in leadership

  • Building and managing high-performance teams

  • Conflict resolution and mediation

Career Development Pathways

Fiddlie recognizes that employees may have diverse career aspirations. We will provide clear career development pathways that allow for both vertical progression and horizontal movement within the organisation. These pathways may include:

Technical Expert Track

For employees who wish to deepen their technical expertise and become recognized authorities in their field.

  • Junior Engineer/Developer

  • Engineer/Developer

  • Senior Engineer/Developer

  • Principal Engineer/Developer

  • Chief Technical Expert

Management Track

For those interested in taking on increasing levels of responsibility in project and team management.

  • Team Lead

  • Project Manager

  • Senior Project Manager

  • Program Manager

  • Director of Operations

Innovation and R&D Track

For employees passionate about pushing the boundaries of technology and driving innovation.

  • Research Associate

  • Innovation Specialist

  • Senior Innovator

  • Head of Innovation

  • Chief Innovation Officer

Business Development Track

For those interested in client relations, sales, and growing the business.

  • Business Development Associate

  • Account Manager

  • Senior Account Manager

  • Head of Business Development

  • Chief Business Development Officer

Entrepreneurship Track

For employees interested in developing their own product ideas or spinning off new ventures.

  • Intrapreneur

  • Product Owner

  • Startup Incubation Lead

  • Venture Development Manager

  • Chief Entrepreneurship Officer

Performance Management and Career Progression

Career progression at Fiddlie will be based on a combination of factors, including:

  • Performance in current role

  • Acquisition and application of new skills

  • Contribution to team and organisational goals

  • Leadership potential (for management tracks)

  • Innovation and creative problem-solving

  • Client satisfaction and project outcomes

Regular performance reviews will be conducted to assess progress against Individual Development Plans and to set new goals. These reviews will also serve as opportunities to discuss career aspirations and potential progression pathways.

Budget and Resource Allocation

Fiddlie is committed to investing in the growth and development of our employees. An annual training and development budget will be established, reviewed, and approved by senior management. This budget will cover:

  • Internal training programs and workshops

  • External training courses and conferences

  • Professional certifications and examinations

  • Educational materials and resources

  • Training technology and tools

  • Mentorship program support

The HR department will be responsible for managing this budget and ensuring equitable distribution of resources across the organisation.

Training Evaluation and Feedback

To ensure the effectiveness of our training and development initiatives, Fiddlie will implement a comprehensive evaluation process:

  • Pre and post-training assessments to measure knowledge gain

  • Participant feedback surveys

  • Manager observations of skill application in the workplace

  • Long-term impact assessments (3-6 months post-training)

  • Return on Investment (ROI) analysis for major training programs

This feedback will be used to continuously improve our training offerings and ensure they remain relevant and effective.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Fiddlie encourages all employees to engage in Continuing Professional Development activities. This may include:

  • Attending industry conferences and seminars

  • Participating in professional associations and networks

  • Publishing articles or presenting at events

  • Pursuing relevant certifications or qualifications

  • Engaging in self-directed learning and research

Employees will be supported in these endeavours through time allowances and, where appropriate, financial support.

Mentorship and Knowledge Sharing

Fiddlie will establish a formal mentorship program to facilitate knowledge transfer and support career development. This program will:

  • Match junior employees with experienced mentors

  • Provide training for both mentors and mentees

  • Establish clear objectives and expectations for the mentorship relationship

  • Include regular check-ins and evaluations

In addition, we will encourage knowledge sharing through:

  • Lunch and learn sessions

  • Internal tech talks and demonstrations

  • Cross-functional project teams

  • A digital knowledge base and resource library

External Training and Certifications

Fiddlie recognizes the value of industry-recognized certifications and external training programs. We will support employees in pursuing relevant certifications through:

  • Financial assistance for exam fees and study materials

  • Study leave allowances

  • Recognition and rewards for successful certification

Employees are encouraged to research and propose external training opportunities that align with their career goals and the needs of the organisation.

Intellectual Property Considerations

Given Fiddlie's commitment to client IP ownership, all training and development activities must be conducted with careful consideration of intellectual property rights. Employees must:

  • Maintain client confidentiality at all times

  • Avoid using client-specific information or designs in training materials or discussions

  • Understand and adhere to non-disclosure agreements

  • Consult with legal counsel when unsure about IP implications of training content

Work-Life Balance and Well-being

While Fiddlie is committed to employee growth and development, we also recognize the importance of work-life balance. Our training and development initiatives will:

  • Respect employees' personal time and commitments

  • Offer flexible learning options, including e-learning and self-paced courses

  • Provide support for stress management and mental health

  • Encourage a healthy work-life integration

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Training

Fiddlie is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. Our training and development programs will:

  • Be accessible to all employees, regardless of background or personal characteristics

  • Include content on unconscious bias, cultural competence, and inclusive leadership

  • Ensure diverse representation in trainers, mentors, and program participants

  • Regularly review and update content to eliminate any biases or stereotypes

Technology and Innovation in Learning

To stay at the forefront of learning and development, Fiddlie will leverage innovative technologies and methodologies, including:

  • Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) for immersive training experiences

  • Microlearning platforms for bite-sized, on-demand learning

  • Gamification to increase engagement and knowledge retention

  • Artificial Intelligence for personalised learning recommendations

  • Social learning platforms to facilitate peer-to-peer knowledge sharing

Policy Review and Updates

This Employee Training and Career Development Policy will be reviewed annually by the HR department in consultation with senior management and employee representatives. Updates will be made to ensure the policy remains aligned with organisational goals, industry trends, and best practices in learning and development.

All employees will be notified of any changes to the policy, and the most current version will be readily accessible through the company intranet.

By implementing this comprehensive Employee Training and Career Development Policy, Fiddlie aims to create a dynamic, skilled, and innovative workforce capable of driving our organisation's success in the competitive field of prototyping and product development.